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The Patriots Survival Guide

Welcome to the Patriots Survival Guide where you can stay informed on the latest news and discussions from legitimate sources in survival you, and your family and friends can count on.

We will continue to update the survival guide listings when there’s something new to share…

Everyone wants to survive, what about you?  What is coming won’t be for everyone!

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Buying Gold & Silver Now

Bullion News – For Daily Gold & Silver Content


Have you thought about buying Gold & Silver to prepare for what is coming in 2024? It’s not to late!

When purchasing Gold, Silver or any other valuable precious metals, make sure to keep it local and buying from a trusted dealer.  Do this to avoid from being scammed. I’m sure you can find a well established Gold & Silver exchanges in your area.

I’ve read and watched horror stories from people who purchased Gold and Silver from online sellers only to find that what they bought was gold plated, turning out to be worthless scrap.

They were scammed!

I am not a financial advisor, I am just sharing my personal insight.